Building a Home Addition? 6 Questions to Ask Your Contractor

The idea of a bigger, more personalized space most likely tops the list of many homeowners' wishes, which probably has them contemplating a home addition or two.

A home addition can include anything from a guest bedroom to a master bathroom, or it can also include unattached structures, such as a pool house, which also enables you to enlarge your space and make it more personal.

However, a building extension entails many details outside of just constructing a new room onto your property. In fact, just like all the other rooms in your home, they will also usually require electricity, flooring, heating, air conditioning, as well as plumbing if you are adding a new bathroom or kitchen, which can quickly cause homeowners to be in over their heads with unexpected costs, as well as a complex construction project that can render your home down for quite some time.

Not to mention, your dream addition may not be feasible with your home's structure, which is good to know before you get your hopes up.

Therefore, if you are considering adding additional space to your home, it is important to first consult a home construction contractor to understand the scope of your particular project, as well as if it is the right choice for you.

Some questions to ask a contractor before a home addition include:

1. How and Will My Addition Blend into My Home?

Adding onto your home requires fitting the addition to your structure in a way that it looks like it belongs or has always been there, which requires careful planning and skill.

In fact, the contractor has to consider how the roofline of the new structure will connect seamlessly to the house, as well as what interior and exterior materials, including the windows, will fit naturally into the home. Otherwise, you risk your addition sticking out like a sore thumb, which can decrease your home's curb appeal and thus also your property's worth.

He or she must also consider how the power cables, as well as the water, oil, and wastewater pipes, will fit compatibly into the home's current utility systems to create a functional space.

Sometimes a home's system is not large enough to accommodate expansion, or the current utility technologies may not mesh well with the current utility equipment, which can also affect where you can and cannot build your addition.

However, an experienced contractor has the understanding regarding all things home construction and can first inspect your residence for any structural or utility issues that may prevent your vision from coming to fruition, which can help save time and frustration with your current plan.

If there is an issue with your home's current design or utilities that may prevent the addition you had in mind from being incorporated into your home, he or she can gladly help you develop a more compatible plan that beautifully fits your home's specifications for optimum results.

Therefore, be sure to ask the contractor if your chosen addition is ideal for your home, as well as how they will construct it to fit into your home's design.

2. Are There any Zoning Restrictions and Permits to Consider?

Most municipalities have regulations regarding what you can build on your property, as well as where on your property, which will ultimately determine where or if you can build an addition onto your home.

For instance, some rules state that a building's height can not be over a certain altitude, which may prevent you from adding an upper-level room to your home and instead only permit you to build down or out.

Your plans must also include important details, such as ventilation for the new space, before securing certain building permits, which can be complicated to understand on your own.

However, a qualified home addition contractor is well-versed in building permits and zoning restrictions for your area and can ensure your plan contains the proper details, as well as also take care of the paperwork for you.

So be sure to ask your contractor about any municipal rules governing your addition, which will help you with your planning.

3. Are There Other Ways to Enlarge My Home?

If it has been determined that a home addition is not an option for your structure, or you simply want a quick, easy, and affordable way to expand your space, your contractor may be able to offer ideas on other ways to enlarge your home.

For instance, many homeowners simply benefit from a bump-out, which is just perfect for those who just want to expand their kitchen a bit, install a new tub in a compact bathroom, or install a walk-in closet in the master bedroom.

A bump-out simply broadens the existing area, which means it does not require any changes to your foundation or roof, so it is suitable for just about any property. It is also less messy and time-consuming than a full addition, so you can quickly get back to enjoying your home.

So before considering a room addition for your home, be sure to ask the contractor for other options for enlarging your space to see if another choice is right for you.

4. What Experience Do You Have Constructing My Type of Room Addition?

Different contractors specialize in different home builds, which makes them more proficient in certain projects than others.

They will also have more knowledge concerning the pitfalls associated with that type of project, as well as how to successfully address these issues to ensure you get as close to what you want as possible for greater confidence in your project.

The contractor will also know whether a structural engineer and other subcontractors are needed, as well as also have the right contacts for the tasks.

On the other hand, another contractor with less experience in that type of build, as well as the challenges facing that type of project, may not.

Therefore, be sure to ask the contractor what experience they have in your type of home addition to help ensure you get the best professional for the job.

5. What is Your Estimate?

Getting an estimate of construction costs from your contractor helps you understand what work is included in the project, as well as if the contractor's cost fits or exceeds your budget.

This way, you can make any adjustments to your home addition if needed, such as maybe switching to cheaper materials to help lower the costs.

6. How Long Will My Home Addition Take?

A home addition is considered a sizeable project, which means it can take a considerable amount of time to complete, thus rendering your property a chaotic space in the meantime.

In fact, on average, a home addition can take anywhere from 3 to 4 months to build, not including the time it takes to design it. Furthermore, if your project is more complex, it can also tack on time.

Therefore, it is important to ask your contractor the timeline for your particular project, which will help prepare you for the adaptations to your living situation you will need to make during the project, such as if you will need to relocate during the construction.

Asking your home addition contractor these important questions before adding a room to your property helps eliminate surprises during your project and also helps ensure you get what you want. It also enables the contractor to make any adaptations to your design plan as necessary to suit your budget for a more cost-friendly addition. 

Mehus Construction has been building luxury homes in the Los Gatos, CA area since 1975 and we are proud of our relationships with architects, designers, and subcontractors. Allow us to be your general contractor and avoid any major mistakes when building your new home.